WE are PASSIONATE about sailing
What we do
Full Circle Sailing operates the Learn2sail, sailing programs. All ages ( 12 to ?) can do learn-to-sail courses and is sailed on a modern 8.8 meter racing keelboat. Joining the experienced operator Phil Folter (50 years sailing experience) and skipper Lee Sharland, will give you a great experience and have you trained up to a high level. We have a close relationship with New Zealand Yachting providing courses on their behalf.
Phil Folter
Phil Folter. Yachting New Zealand instructor, National Race Officer. Phil has been sailing since, well, he can’t remember, rest assured it’s been a long time. He is passionate about teaching sailing and involved in club races.
Lee Sharland
Lee Sharland delivered yachts around Europe and the Caribbean for 4 years and has taught sailing for over 15 years.He is a Yachting New Zealand coach developer and NCEA assesor along with volunteering with the coast guard.
Our Location
Te Ana Marina
027 2327596